<aside> 💡 After you complete your research, propose Follow-Up Requests that help clients meet their overall goals. Think like the client, asking themselves what other research can add value.


At the bottom of the Project Research and Scope-and-Go Project Research job editors, you’ll find a Research Proposal section. This section allows you to add up to five proposed next-step (path) boxes. By default, two proposed next-step boxes are displayed. If you are using only one proposed next step box, close the second proposed next step box using an ‘x’ on the top right of the box, or else, your research won’t submit.


<aside> 📢 Access the Scoping Guidelines here.


Use Clear and Concise Language

Write clear and concise Follow-Up Requests. Consult our Scoping Guidelines when crafting a proposal. The Scoping Guidelines include Scoping Templates (also called Canned Language in our Research digests). Using templates makes writing Follow-Up Requests easier.

<aside> 💡 This is what a Scoping Template looks like. Use this language and adapt it to your job.

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