In a client update, we state which part(s) of the Research Criteria we were unable to answer and what we provided instead in the Introduction section, provide helpful findings for the unanswered part(s) in the Findings section, share our Research Strategy in its own section, and complete the rest of the research for which data is available following the Research Requirements for a normal research job.

Given below is the format to follow in a Client Update:

Key Takeaways


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  1. For a partial client update, provide an outline and a brief overview for the parts of the Research Criteria that you were able to answer. A full client update will not need this statement, instead, you will provide an outline of your helpful findings.
  2. To address what you could not find:
    1. Briefly communicate the challenge for the unavailable data (e.g., data on XYZ wasn’t available in the public domain).
    2. State what information was available instead. (Helpful Findings)
  3. Note that further details on the logic can be found in the Research Strategy section.