
  1. Add a “Key Takeaways” header at the top of your research report.
  2. After you’ve finished your research, identify the main points of interest that directly address the client’s question. These are your Key Takeaways. Write these 3-5 Key Takeaways in bullet points under the Key Takeaways header. These can be quotes pulled from the body of the report.
  3. If Key Takeaways include information, facts, or statistics obtained from an external source, cite the source.
  4. 📢📢 If the Research is a Client Update (Partial or Full), follow the requirements and format outlined on the Client Updates page. 📢 📢

Why do we have Key Takeaways? This section lets a client easily see that we covered the information they have requested.


<aside> 💡 Key Takeaways are the main 3 to 5 highlights of your research that directly answer the client’s question. They provide some sort of conclusion based on the presented information or facts, a key point, or a key message learned or understood from research findings. At a glance, clients can immediately confirm that we gathered valuable data points to answer their questions.


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👉 What doesn’t belong in this section: