Research Managers will use Verifiers in the research production process to increase efficiency and client satisfaction.
<img src="/icons/close_blue.svg" alt="/icons/close_blue.svg" width="40px" /> We will not use this process for large projects. New Guidance is coming soon!
Teammate or Outline?
Needed Forms/Responses
- RM Submission to Verification
- Verifier Responses
Job Flow Chart
RM Ownership Start to Finish
<img src="/icons/checklist_blue.svg" alt="/icons/checklist_blue.svg" width="40px" /> The steps are easy! 1. Analyze ResearchOS from Strategy Dash. 2. Send for Verification. 3. Scope the job. 4. Send to Research.
<img src="/icons/view_blue.svg" alt="/icons/view_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Understand the process and ready to scope? Take a look below!
Scoping with ResearchOS
Quick Checklist
- Obtain ResearchOS
- This Tango shows you how to access the AI Admin Dash so you can access your ResearchOS.
- You will notice that the client's name is also shared. This is the easiest way to locate the run you need.
- Create a document and paste the ResearchOS run.
- DO NOT send Best Practices or Top/Best to be verified. These will need to be fully researched by the analyst. You can share the ResearchOS with w/the analyst to get ideas, but we do not want to base the scope on this.
- Paste in all the objectives from the ResearchOS run at the top.