Once verification is complete and the verifier has notified you they are finished, you should now have all usable sections of ResearchOS, and you are ready to scope out the project.

Obtain ResearchOS

  1. This Tango shows you how to access the AI Admin Dash so you can access your ResearchOS.
    1. You will notice that the client's name is also shared. This is the easiest way to locate the run you need.
  2. Create a document and paste the ResearchOS run.

Analyzing ResearchOS

**Here is an example of a Verified ResearchOS run.**

  1. Paste in all the objectives from the ResearchOS run at the top.


  1. Convert the objectives to the appropriate headers that you would need in the research editor. Below are example headers for the first objective.
    1. US Television Industry Overview
    2. US Television Industry Key Players
    3. US Television Trends
  2. Delete all summaries from each research objective, but leave the executive summary.
  3. Place all usable data under the correct headers.