New Logo (Pilots) and high-risk research jobs are QA checked by RM against the following questions within each of the Audit Rubric pillars.
QA Checking Pilot & High Prio Projects
QA Process
Research Managers may complete QA checks for completed projects.
- QA checks will be completed in the same way they always have, but beginning May 8, 2023, they will be completed by the next available RM instead of the original RM.
- QA checks should focus only on making sure the research is logical, sources are credible, and RCs are addressed, and making minor changes/edits if needed.
- QA checks should NOT include any additional research, adding sources, major restructuring, or similar.
- 3-15 hour projects= 30 minutes
- 18+ hour projects= 60 minutes.
- If a QA check on a project (typically larger projects), or a help request task takes longer than the allotted time, note this on your invoice
Once the QA Check is completed based on the rubric below, you will do one of the following:
- If everything is acceptable → Send it to the client
- The work needs to be revised → Flag to audit, then submit the revision accordingly.
- NEW- The work needs more time (significant editing, more sourcing) → Flag for a 1.5-hour revision. Read more about the 1.5-hour Revision Process below.
Additional RM Off-Dash Jobs
QA Check Rubric
Rating Scale: Y = Yes, P = Partial, N = No
Yes = no edits needed.
Partial = aligned, but with minor edits required.
No = significant edits or revisions are required.