Sometimes, you may get an error or experience a bug on a job you’re working on. While you can always use the Analyst Bug Reports form to submit a bug report, this guide provides some tips and workaround to troubleshoot commonly reported issues with the platform.

Before you start, make sure you have read through the Setting Up Your Workspace for Success guide and have followed the guidelines provided.

Most of the platform-related issues can be resolved by:

Here are some commonly reported platform issues, along with workarounds and tips that have worked for our analysts:

Blank Screen When Adding a Source

Try adding a source manually if it gives you this error. You can use the “Add a Source” option at the bottom of the research editor for this purpose.

Please look at this link on the WKC Research Logistics page to learn how to manually add a source.

Timeout 2000s Error / Invalid URL Error

These errors appear when adding certain sources or incorrect URLs in the research editor. To resolve this, ensure you are entering the correct URL, and there’s no extra space or punctuation before or after the URL.

Tip: To avoid this error, copy the URL directly from the source when adding the source in the editor, instead of pasting the URLs in an external document or within the findings section and copying it as this usually adds an extra space before or after the URL.

For some sources (e.g.,, Google Maps), the best way to avoid this error is to add the source manually.

Unable to Accept a Job from the Assigner