Working on Spreadsheets/Presentations

At Wonder, we frequently get large projects where multiple analysts work on a Google Spreadsheet or Google Slides presentation simultaneously. The spreadsheet or presentation is then cited in the Summary section of the Research report so the client can easily find its link.

In these types of projects, analysts are given specific instructions on which slides (for a presentation) and which rows, columns, and/or tabs (for a spreadsheet) to work on, and what information to provide in their designated sections.

There also will be times with three-hour iterations when you decide that it would be better to include your information in a slide or a spreadsheet.

<aside> ⚠️ We only work in Google Sheets and Slides. Do not upload an Excel document or PowerPoint without converting it to a Sheet or Slide first.


In Research (Interpreted or Project Research)

In these requests, if a spreadsheet is required, it will have been created by an RM and included in the Research Criteria. Sometimes, an analyst will complete the entire SS. Other times, an analyst may be assigned to specific rows or columns. Follow the requirements below for formatting your work in the spreadsheet and including a link to that spreadsheet in the Research Report.

In 3-Hour Iterations:

When a client requests a spreadsheet in their chat, the analyst will immediately flag the project for RM support. The analyst will then continue working for three hours and submit the project, entering “X” into the scoping box for Next Steps. The Analyst will create a very basic spreadsheet for only what they are working on. The RM will then create a new spreadsheet (SS), add the analyst's work to the SS, and the project will continue as normal. See the requirements below for “Analyst Created Spreadsheets.”

Requirements for Spreadsheet/Presentation Projects

Follow the directions provided below when working on a spreadsheet/presentation project: