While your knowledge from presearch would be the main factor for scoping, you can use Wonder’s Scoping Guidelines to assist you in determining the correct scope of a project.

When scoping out clients’ projects, keep in mind the time involved in a request. For reference, all research paths are scoped to 3 hours blocks (120 minutes for researching, 60 minutes for writing, formatting, etc.)

Based on years of experience, our scoping guidelines detail what can typically be completed within 3 hours by the average researcher.

'Best' or 'Top' Lists

Scoping Template: Provide a list of 5-7 of the top ---. Top will be defined as ---. For each --- identified, we will provide a 2-3 sentence description.

Best Practices

Scoping Template 1: Provide 2-3 best practices surrounding ---. For each, include i. a description of the best practice, ii. why it is a best practice (why we chose it), iii. available metrics of success that prove it is a best practice, iv. 1-2 examples of industry experts and/or thought leaders discussing the best practice.