<aside> 👉🏼 Note: A project is selected for audit in two ways: client feedback or team lead flag.


Audit Process

Audit Questions Explained

Audit Questions

Quality Requirements:
Verified ResearchOS for logic and coverage of client objectives, then routed project appropriately. Y=2, N=0
Addressed the complete client chat, including client comments. Y=3, P=1, N=0
The client's goals and objectives are clearly stated. Y=2, N=0
The project is feasible as presented. No primary research (unless approved), dependencies & clarifications are addressed if needed. Y=3, P=1, N=0
The project is scoped accurately based on scoping guidelines and/or rOS-verified output. Y=3, P=1, N=0
Research Criteria are concise and clearly explained. Y=2, N=0
The outline is professionally written and presented. Y=2, N=0
Projects and their updates are posted in #projects-in-process after the outline is sent to the client with all the required details. Y=1, N=0
Communications sent to the client were appropriate, accurate, concise, and professional. Y=2, N=0
Client + Analyst Experience Requirement (Yes = 0, No = -1)
When scoping, the appropriate AI tools were considered. Y=0, N=-1
Company links are shared. Y=0, N=-1
Jargon is defined that could be confusing. Y=0, N=-1
"As Necessary" or caps on time spent are clearly explained (not resulting in an unnecessary client update). Y=0, N=-1
Launch notes were added for confusing or large projects. Y=0, N=-1
Spreadsheets: All rows/columns have expectations/descriptions Y=0, N=-1
Spreadsheets: a sample row was completed to estimate time per row if the timing was unclear. Y=0, N=-1
Slides: A template was provided to the analyst. Y=0, N=-1
Project communications were sent and managed in a timely fashion. Y=0, N=-1

Audit Score Calculation

Answers to the questions above are translated into a score of 5, 3, or 1.

Quality Management Policies

As a managed marketplace, Wonder guarantees the quality of research our network produces. We manage Research Manager performance in the following ways. For tracking purposes, the Research Management Team Lead will email the Research Manager to communicate the details of each instance.

Research Quality

Revisions/Refunds/Free Credit:

To ensure the quality of the research our network produces, we monitor the revisions/refunds/free credits requested by clients and approved by HQ for poor-quality research sent to customers and/or project mismanagement.