Market Size refers to the size of a market in terms of revenue, sales, or the number of users/customers at a particular point in time.
Minimum Requirements- Precompiled Market Sizes & Growth
- Provide 1 market/industry per market size
- Provide a brief description of the market
- Provide the market size
- If available,
- Explain if the market has increased or decreased over time
- Provide a breakdown of the different segments in the market (if precompiled)
- Corroborate the market size/TAM using more than one source. Use first-party sources. Do not use blogs.
- Provide a minimum of one image per 3-hour request. Add an image for each concept discussed, if possible.
- If the client has asked for multiple pre-compiled market sizes
- Provide up to 3-5 precompiled market sizes, a very brief description of the market, and the CAGR.
- Corroborate the market size/TAM using more than one source. Use first-party sources. Do not use blogs.
- Provide a minimum of one image per 3-hour request. Add an image for each concept discussed, if possible.
Minimum Requirements- Triangulated Market Sizes & Growth
- Provide at least one market size per 3-hour request when triangulations are required.
- Corroborate the market size/TAM using more than one source. Use first-party sources. Do not use blogs.
- Explain the triangulation process to the client in the Research Strategy.
- Provide a minimum of one image per 3-hour request. Add an image for each concept discussed, if possible.
Why Clients Request Market Sizing
Calculating market size matters for several reasons. Here’s why.
- Organizations can estimate potential profit from a new product, service, or business.
- Helps investors decide whether to invest in a business or not.