We at HQ can’t do it all ourselves. Our Team Leads at Wonder all oversee a specific aspect of our research process, and many lead special teams.
Research Managers optimize client experience for quality by crafting Research Outlines.
Analyst Support optimizes the analyst experience through community empowerment, education, certifications, Quality Management Policies, and Audit. Our Audit team ensures the research we’ve sent to clients is up to Wonder standards and provides feedback for analyst growth.
Letter to Analysts:
It's hard to put into words what our analysts and the community means to me (and us)... so instead of trying and failing, I'll simply say Wonder is what Wonder is, and what it will become, because of all of you. We will continue to work tirelessly every single day to make the world more curious, to listen to your ideas, to implement your solutions, and to help the world think through the lens of questions. Thank you for everything that you are and do, and for inspiring us in more ways than you could know.
Guy Cohen, Chief Executive Officer