About the Vertical

The BCN vertical comprises three technology segments. Analysts with credentials in this vertical should be able to locate and synthesize information in the following areas:

Planning: Providing research that enables an organization to make effective and informed decisions pertaining to crypto, blockchain, and NFTs. Specifically, our research would often guide investment, expansion, acquisition, or digital pivot decisions.

Market Intelligence: Providing BCN-related market trends, best practices, consumer insights, and case studies for organizations. This information would typically be tailored towards aiding effective project management and/or improving efficiency.

Competitive Analysis**:** Providing information on a company’s competitors within a particular tech segment or niche.

Networking: Providing contact information for clients to effectively make connections in the desired BCN segment, along with ways to build these relationships once established.

Industry Context

Clients tend to ask BCN-related questions when they are trying to make a variety of decisions. They might be trying to decide whether to break into a particular market segment or where to expand their current business. Others might seek information on their competitors in order to better compete in their market.

Also, tech enthusiasts, bloggers, writers, journalists, and other curious individuals are often interested in getting details on the current developments in cryptocurrency, blockchain, and NFTs. They want to understand the market trends, product launches, disruptions, emerging technologies, and outlooks (i.e., predictions, futuristic technologies, etc.).

Some of the most common topics include the following:

Clients ask a variety of questions. Some examples are shared below: