Clients often request lists from Wonder to help them make decisions on products and services. In many cases, they want us to find the “top” or “best” products, services, people, etc., by researching various characteristics and ranking them according to objective criteria.

Minimum Requirements Per 3-Hour Request

  1. Provide a list of 5-7 of the top/best for each 3-hour request.
  2. Share how you defined and selected the top with the client in the Research Strategy.
  3. For each one identified:
    1. Provide a 1-2 sentence explanation of what qualifies the company, person, etc. as top, supported with a source.
    2. Provide a 2-3 sentence description of the company, person, etc.
  4. Provide a minimum of one image per 3-hour request. If possible add an image for each concept discussed.

Identifying Best / Top


Research Strategy