RM: oversees the job from beginning to end
Architect: completes as much research as possible with agents.
Verifier: This person verifies sources. They can also pull data from a website you give them and place it in a spreadsheet or perform other less time-consuming tasks (i.e., locating social media profiles and recording that information).
Analyst: finishes the remaining research.
Any exception will go through our old flow. We will create a proposal/outline and proceed as we normally would. We will not involve the architects at this point (once we figure out how to optimize this process, we will remove the exceptions).
The easiest way to think about this is that you are the conductor. You have the ability to think about the research and decide how best to use the team. Maybe the architect can do the whole job. Maybe you locate a database and realize the verifier could easily take that information and place it in a table to save everyone time. Maybe you look at the research after the architect and realize you could make some tweaks, which would be client-ready. Other times, we will see that we need an analyst to ensure a comprehensive brief. The options are endless!